New Word: Team

 This blogs word is team, so it only figures i talk about my team for this project! As this will be my biggest project yet, I decided to work with the maximum amount of people I'm permitted, and will be in a group of 4
. My 3 partners for this project will be Yaz, Marvin, and Kyra. I like my group as it's all people I know and get along with, but also people I trust to be able to get the job done. I met Yaz when I was in preschool, a little over 12 years ago now! We've gone to the same Preschool, Elementary, Middle, and High School, but I don't think that patter will continue for college, but one can hope! Yaz used to do Debate with me, but then she found out how talented she was at doing Mock Trial and now she's the Captain of it, which is really cool. The other Captain of Mock Trial however, is also in my group! His name is Marvin, and I met him at the start of Highschool but I only really got to know him last year. This year though, Marvin's one of my best friends and we have a few fun classes together so we really get to get along. Marvin and Yaz are also good friends since they're both really good at Mock Trial. Kyra, my 4th group member, is also in Mock Trial. Her and I never really had many classes, but we're friends from my time in Mock Trial, as that's really where I'd interact with her the most. Kyra's funny from the times I've had actual conversation with her, and she's in really high classes so I know she's a good person to rely on in this case. Overall I'm very excited to work my group, and I'm excited to see what we come up with! I'll be sure to keep you all posted, but until then, I'll catch you all in the next one!

Marvin taking a selfie in our Physics class


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