New Word: Debate

 Welcome back everyone! A key element in production is coordination, as we need to ensure everyone can do the part they can, when they can. This however implies taking all of our schedules into consideration, and finding the time where all 4 of us are available. For Kyra, Marvin, and Yaz this implies accounting for their volunteer events, and Mock Trial practice, and for me that means accounting for Debate. See I am the captain of my Debate Event, and it's something I really enjoy to do. However, the months of January to March are the bulkiest parts of the Debate season, where almost every weekend is one big tournament after the next. In the majority of the weekends of these months I've travelled to Boston to compete at Harvard, Atlanta to compete at Emory University, I've competed at Districts, the Florida State Championship, and National Qualifiers. These weekends are full of weekend tournaments and trips out of town, and it's important to communicate this schedule with my group. It's obviously unfair to make my group do all the work because I'm not around, so I communicate with the group on what portions in the planning process I can spearhead independently, so that there isn't an imbalance in the work distribution. Since a lot of this project is digitally based, it makes a lot of this easy to do. The only portion that will need to be fully in person, will have to be the filming portion. To accomplish this, we need to make sure we select a day that will be functional for all 4 of us. In all honesty I probably am this team's most unavailable member, however the season is reaching it's end so by the start of March, i'll be available to film everything we need for production. Being able to do extra curriculars like Debate in my case or like Mock Trial in the rest of my teams, and through our coordination and communication we can achieve everything. I'll be sure to update everyone further on how the production itself will go and when we'll record everything to begin editing, but for now that's all we have for you today. I'll see you all in the next one!

My Debate Partner and I finding out we won districts and qualified to the State Championship


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