New Word: Speaker
Welcome back! For our film props are a very crucial aspect. When deciding how the movie would showcase the mentality of our character we ran through a few ideas. Music was the main choice to set specific themes for our viewers to perceive. Happy upbeat music that shows how the character is feeling in a moment. The way music was going to be utilized wasn’t just for the perception of the shot, it’s also a key part of how we see into our characters mind. The music had to be physically in the environment of the shot. We decided on a speaker that the character interacts with. We had to then tackle the issue of conveying to the audience how the mental state of the character is damaged through this speaker. In my garage I was lucky enough to come across a corded speaker, we realized that the electrical cord was the perfect casual visual queue. When recording the shot the character turns on this upbeat music, he is dancing singing clearly engaging with the music he hears. When the film changes tones and we’re revealing the damage our character has, paneling the camera to an unplugged speaker is a key moment. We believe it’s one of the most important moments of realization for the viewer, a huge dot connecting moment. The use of the speaker is crucial for conveying this, as the indication of the speaker being unplugged shows the viewer something is clearly not right. As a montage plays of all the holes in Marvin's reality it becomes apparent through the subtle shots with these props and it leaves the viewer asking why, which is when the implementation of the fear of drunk driving is set in. Through the reveal that the holes in Marvin's reality are from an accident from drunk driving, it brings in the fear of the unknown. Having your reality revealed to be dismantled, all as of a result of such a common yet preventable accident is truly something terrifying. I'll be sure to update everyone on how the filming goes and is benefitted through the use of props, but for now that's all! I'll catch you all in the next one.
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