New Word: Uber

 Welcome everyone, our group must film the crucial scenes of our movie this week, but we're on a time crunch, as we have so much conflicting schedules. We decided to meet this week and all film at my house. One problem however, I live quite far from our school and we have to record during a weekday. To get around this, we decided we'll all get an uber to share a ride. Uber is an app that allows you to book a car ride from one destination to another, but it can be a little pricey. However, it's a necessary expense and split between 4 people is relatively cheap. We're excited to film this week because of the small purchases I made that will greatly improve our quality of film. The first one is a tripod, which i actually purchased last year to help with my media project when I did AS level. It will help us have a steady angle and be able to pan the camera smoothly when needed. The second purchase are microphones I ordered off temu, which connect to my phone, that help with the audio quality of the film. They're little clips that you attach to the collar of your shirt and the microphone will pick up the audio and wirelessly send it to the phone. I have 2 of them, meaning dialogue will appear much smoother as well. It's these small purchases that really will bring our film next level, and with the help of our uber we'll be able to use them and get the most important parts of our film in. I'll be sure to keep you all updated on how production goes and as always, i'll see you all in the next one!

The company we're using to get to our film set


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