Script Blog !

Characters: Santana (Andres Santana) Maria (Isabel Reyes) Ellie (Lauren Reitman) Joel (Joseph Paez) Scene 1: (non-diegetic mysterious music starts playing) Santana: Talk to me Maria: Joel Cartwright, 27 male, accused of grand theft. Prosecution says Joel stole 20k from his company Quackers Inc. Santana: (non-diegetic music pauses) Quakers Inc? Maria: Don’t question it. (non-diegetic music continues) Point is our buddy Joel claims he got this gambling, and it really is our word against his Santana : Well then let's go fix his word. (non-diegetic music lowers) Scene 2: Cuts to him in the interrogation room.: Santana: So 20 thousand huh? How’d you come about that? Joel: Gambling, guess it was my night. Santana: Is that so, huh? Joel: Yeah. That’s so. Santana: What was your hand Joel? Joel: My hand? Santana: Well yeah, You never forget a winning hand, much less a 20 thousand dollar one. Joel: (hesitates and kinda thinks) 5 queens, had ...