a lot of... Reflection!

1. Because my partner and I was restricted to what I as a teenager was able to reasonably access to generate a music video, there are some differences from a traditional rap video. An example of this is how conventionally, rap music videos tend to show off how well they are financially. This can be seen through fancy cars, large houses, expensive jewelry, or large stacks of money being displayed throughout the video. I did not have access to these props, so to combat this I used similar looking props to parody the traditional aspects of rap videos. I used Monopoly money as a prop for real money and cheap sunglasses to impersonate expensive jewelry. Along with financial superiority, often rappers will implement weapons in their videos, in order to demonstrate a sense of power. Again, while my music video challenges these conventions by not actually displaying live firearms, it does follow the convention in symbolic sense, where I used a water gun and nerf gun. to parody wha...